MiniNubian doelings
We have a few MiniNubian doe kids (being offered without registration).
They are from wonderful quality MiniNubian parents with very good production.
Too many out of the same buck this year and we are letting go of those with shorter ears, or whose siblings we are considering keeping.
$175 each.
We have a few yearling does available too, some of whom were exposed to a buck for possible late Spring kidding.
Yearling does start at $175.
If you’re interested, just ask and we will get you an available list.
Goat, kid, doe, doeling, buck, buckling, Nubian, Nigerian, MiniNubian, alpine, Sannen, lamancha, oberhasli, toggenburg, milk, milking, dairy, cheese, goat milk soap, caprine, sheep, herd, livestock, cattle, milk, pig, mutton, cow, boar, udder, lamb, cheese, ewe, bovine, llama, alpaca, piglet, ruminant, heifer, boer, nanny, billy, lamb, donkey, rabbit, bunny, kit, herd, animal, flock, swine, chicken, horse, pony, dog, puppy, Holstein, Ram, hog, peacock, sausage, weed, deer, browse, brush, meat, beef, fowl, ag, agriculture, feta, angus, trailer, haul, cat, kitten, veal, steak, hamburger, breed, bred, breeder, artificial, AI, insemination, hen, chick, eat, predator, coyote, hunt, hunting, turkey, bacon, pasture, rumen, lease, hay, haulage, silage, silo, barn, fence, fencing, electric, charger, fencer, energizer, insulator, hi-tensile, field, no-climb, post, t-post, corner, pond, goose, turtle, mow, mower, ford, Chevy, Toyota, wether, wattle, genetics, pedigree, dam, sire, male, female, hay, alfalfa, grass,
Timothy, brome, orchard grass, gestation, lactation, udder, teat, milker, pipeline, bulk tank, haymow, tobacco shed, pole barn, outbuilding, perimeter, gravel, water, pump, irrigation, tank, feed, grain, bin, corn, oats, pellet, panel, gate, hut, skid steer, tractor, skidsteer, loader, bucket, 3-point, duck, egg, nest, box, baby, wool, Pygmy, fainting, canning,
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