Wanted semi tires, bus tires, and casings (2016-newer) for sending in to be cut down for sidewall! These will be used to hold down bunker silo plastic, we are a huge feedlot feeding thousands of cattle, and get tires, and casings all over the country and all the time! ( These tires can't be dry rotted, weather checked, have cords showing, sidewall damage, etc.
they won't process well!) ( We are looking to clean up junk tire piles!)
We are also looking for turned tire feeders, feed bunks, RR ties, gates, bale feeders, livestock, and flatbed trailer!
( Also looking for weaned calves, feeder cattle 150-600 pounds, ( beef, beef crosses, Holstein, jerseys, etc.
) We feed 70000 cattle and get cattle daily all over the country!)
Please call show contact info ! ( NO EMAIL OR TEXT PLEASE!!)